Hi everyone! We’re taking a short break (just this week!) from posting the comic so we thought it’d be a great time to shine some light on our amazing colourist Mimi LeBlanc! Mimi joined the Prince and the Swan team a little over a year ago and has been our colourist now for most of chapter 10 and chapter 11 so far. As soon as I saw Mimi’s work, I new they would be especially perfect for Chapter 11 with the festival scenes, so we’re super happy to have Mimi working with us!
Mimi’s other work includes:
Thief’s Heir – thethiefsheir.com
Demon for Hire – demonforhire.com
Big “Thank you!” to Mimi for this Prince and Swan piece! I’m super happy with it and it’s currently hung on the wall next to my desk!